PHOTOGRAPHY ~ Faces of Kenya ~ We Are One

We went to Kenya last year to visit friends who are as close as sisters. They are safe, but since the latest travesty in Nairobi, I am greatly saddened. We went to the mall which was  recently attacked by the cowardly people who style themselves patriots or rebels, or who knows what. They will always find a way to justify their perfidy, their murder, mayhem and destruction.

I am despondent and despair all of the cowardly acts on innocents around the globe. No matter how just we believe our cause, it has no moral ground to stand upon if it sanctions the kidnap and murder of innocent civilians. If only we would all understand we are all the same. We are people who smile, frown, laugh, cry, hope, despair, who try to live a full and satisfying life, and hope to make a better life for our children and future generations. We are one.

The images below are from a memory card I saved when we were carjacked at gunpoint during our stay in Kenya. Robbery, yes, but also a small act of terrorism. These pictures portray Kenyans from all walks of life, for are these not the people who suffer at the hands of terror?

If any see images they would prefer were not shown, please contact me.

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